Trainers looking to play Gen 5 Bouffalant competitively in Pokemon Go can find the best moves here.
First introduced in the main series by Generation 5 Black and White, Bouffalant debuted in Pokemon Go in Unova Week 2020.
Bouffalant is a region exclusive to Pokemon Go, which means people outside of the US have a hard time finding it.
Trainers who are lucky enough to catch a buffalo should use it in competitive play. So let’s take a look at Bouffalant’s best moveset for PvP and raids.
All moves Bouffalant can learn in Pokemon Go
In Pokemon Go, Bouffalan has access to two quick moves and four attack moves. Bouffalant also has access to four different types in its move pool.
Bouffalant can learn the following moves:
Bouffalant Fast Moves
- Mud Shot (Ground)
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic)
Bouffalant Charged Moves
- Mega Horn (Bug)
- Earthquake (Ground)
- Stomp (Normal/STAB)
- Skull Bash (Normal/STAB)
Pokemon Go Bouffalant: Best moveset for PvP
Bouffalant’s best PvP move in Pokemon Go is Zen Headbutt with a quick move that includes both Skull Bash and Earthquake.
The fast move selection is pretty close between Mud Shot and Zen Headbutt, but overall Zen Headbutt has a slight edge.
While Mud Shot provides better coverage compared to Zen Headbutt, a competitive Bouffant should focus on extra damage.
Bouffalant’s first attack should focus on Skull Bash due to its access to STAB and high base damage.
The second charge attack should be Earthquake, as it provides the best coverage and deals the most damage.
Pokemon Go Bouffalant: Best moveset for Raids
Similar to PvP moves, the best raid bouffalant moves in Pokemon Go Zen are Headbutt as a quick attack and Skull Bash and Earthquake as attack moves.
Normal is a neutral Pokémon type, so it’s not worth limiting Bouffalan to one type. Thus, the above moveset takes full advantage of Bouffalant’s DPS potential.
And it was done. That’s everything you need to know about the best Bouffalant moveset for PvP and raid content in Pokémon GO. For more Pokémon Go content, check out our guide to the rest of July’s Pokémon Go events, including Tyanamo Community Day.