IShowSpeed ​​​​was shocked after being kissed on the lips by a fan in Bulgaria


IShowSpeed ​​​​continues his European tour and his last stop is Bulgaria, where he had an unexpected interaction with a fan that completely stunned him.
Speed’s trip to Europe can only be described as chaotic.

This is because streamers are always and everywhere surrounded by a large number of fans.

That was also the case in Bulgaria, where on July 11, during another defiant broadcast, the YouTube star faced a crowd of onlookers, one of whom got a little too close for comfort.

Speed ​​approached the fan with a bright blue sports car and clearly showed interest in the car. The driver admitted he was Speed’s “biggest damn fan” as he slammed into the car door before getting out to hug the streamer.

But they shared more than just a handshake. The fan leaned in and kissed Speed ​​on the lips, much to the influencer’s obvious embarrassment, but he quickly pulled away with a look of disgust and shock.

“Oh, what the hell was that?”

“I love you bro!” “Excuse me.”

“Are you doing this in Bulgaria?” He jumped in the car, started the engine and sped off, much to the delight of the fans around him.

The online reaction to the moment was equally loud, with commenters gushing about their thoughts on the situation and some even calling the kiss an outright “attack.”

“This must be rape,” one user wrote on Twitter/X.

Another said: “The brothers got to play SA in front of 200,000 people and everyone would probably laugh.” “That’s not a joke.”

However, some argue that it is a common greeting in Eastern European regions. While cheek kisses are not uncommon in many parts of the world, many viewers still claim that their speed was exceeded and attacked by excited fans.

This is the latest shocking moment for Speed ​​during his European tour. The broadcaster was attacked by a crowd of viewers in Oslo, Norway, and later released a statement saying he would “never” return to the country until he left.

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