How to unlock Constellation’s End camo in MW3 & Warzone

The camo grind for MW3 and Warzone concludes in Season 6 with the introduction of one last weapon skin: Constellation’s End. While many players may have already earned their Mastery camos, each update has added new Prestige camos to work towards. Constellation’s End is a vibrant, animated skin designed to make your weapon stand out.

How to Unlock Constellation’s End

To unlock Constellation’s End, you need to earn 300,000 XP for the specific weapon. However, there’s a catch: you must reach the maximum level for that weapon and unlock the three previous Prestige camos: One Trick, Molten Obsidian, and Mercur7. Here’s a complete breakdown of the requirements:

  1. Reach the maximum level on the weapon.
  2. Earn 150,000 XP to unlock One Trick.
  3. Earn an additional 200,000 XP to unlock Molten Obsidian.
  4. Use the weapon to earn 250,000 XP for Mercur7.
  5. Finally, earn 300,000 XP to unlock Constellation’s End.

Constellation’s End will be available starting September 18 when Season 6 begins. If you’ve been diligently working on your Prestige camos each season, you should be able to accumulate the required XP relatively quickly. However, if you’re starting from scratch on a weapon you haven’t used much, you’ll need a total of 900,000 XP on that weapon to unlock Constellation’s End.

Fastest Way to Unlock Prestige Camo

The good news is that you can earn XP toward these camos in both MW3 and Warzone. Getting kills and capturing objectives in either game contributes to your progress. While kills may be more challenging to achieve in Warzone, you also earn bonus weapon XP for surviving with the gun you’re using.

That said, multiplayer is generally the quickest method to earn Prestige camos due to its fast-paced action. For the fastest XP gains, consider playing in Small Map Moshpit, where kills come quickly, or the larger Ground War mode, which offers longer matches for more opportunities to earn XP.

It’s also important to note that Constellation’s End and the other Prestige camos will carry over to Warzone when Black Ops 6 integrates. However, nothing will transfer into Black Ops 6 itself, as Treyarch plans to introduce a fresh slate of guns and Operators.

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