How to invite friends to Dynasty in College Football 25

In Dynasty in College Football 25, players can actually invite more than 30 friends, but it can be complicated to set them up and give them access to the mode. How to simplify it:

Online Connected Dynasty is a feature of College Football 25, meaning football fans can experience a game that has been in development for three years with their friends on the same platform.

However, some people on social media are having trouble connecting to Dynasty and adding friends to save files. So what can you do?

Guide to adding friends in Connected Dynasty

To create a connected Dynasty mode in College Football 25, select Cloud Multi-User under Dynasty Type Selection. If you select “Single Player,” you will not be able to play online or use the team builder. Instead, a single offline file is created.

From there, select your active or default directory and change the settings as needed. This includes setting up settings and customizing sessions. As of July 2024, there is a bug with adding active directories that can actually cause your files to go offline when using this feature. I remember

Once the Dynasty save file creation process is complete, go to Dynasty Central and select Members. This hub is where College Football 25 players can manage their save file members. If you have a friend on your friends list or know their game/PSN ID, you can add them here.

Also go to Dynasty Settings. Here players can change whether their league is public or private and find their league name and password. Share the league name and password with everyone you want to add to your dynasty. You can then search for the file and enter it into Dynasty’s online file queue to enter the mode.

How many users can be included in a Dynasty Mode file?

The maximum number of human players allowed is 32. However, league owners can adjust the maximum number to lower it.

Be sure to check out how to improve your gameplay in College Football 25, including the best playbooks and every team in the game.

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