Black Ops 6 analysis shows that the next Call of Duty game will be one of the slowest TTKs in the history of the franchise, rivaling Black Ops Cold War and Black Ops 4.
Time To Kill (often abbreviated as TTK) has been a hot topic of discussion in the CoD community for some time now. It measures how quickly players can kill each other, and the TTK varies greatly from game to game, with newer titles usually being slower.
Ahead of Black Ops 6, we have a few questions about what TTK will look like in Treyarch’s next game. Thanks to early analysis from The XclusiveAce, it turns out that the next Call of Duty game will have one of the slowest TTKs ever.
Using the AMES 85 assault rifle clip from Black Ops 6 as a basis, XclusiveAce concludes: Similar to Black Ops Cold War. ”
When comparing all Call of Duty multiplayer games to each other, XclusiveAce found that Black Ops 6 had an average time to kill of just over 300ms, making it the third slowest setting for an assault rifle. It’s broadly the same as Black Ops Cold War, but slightly slower than Modern Warfare 3.
However, this is still significantly slower than Black Ops 4, which has the slowest average TTK in Call of Duty history. In this game, the assault rifle takes over 350 ms to reliably kill. That’s almost three times more than the original Black Ops (2010).
Interestingly, this quick kill time is not common across all weapon types. Further analysis of the AR-10 LMG revealed a potential TTK of just over 200 milliseconds. While this may seem too fast for a modern Call of Duty game, it doesn’t explain the slower handling and inherent maneuverability of LMGs.
However, it is much faster than Modern Warfare 3’s LMG. LMGs act like slower, maneuverable assault rifles with large magazines. LMGs are common in the Warzone meta, but rare in multiplayer these days.
Please note that all of these tests are based on early gameplay footage and only a small number of weapons. This is a good indicator of Black Ops 6’s kill time, but more analysis is needed to get a full picture after the beta releases.